Ver 1.3.3: Sabah Desert Update!

Sabah Desert is now explorable with 3 new heroes, 6 new game modes, 55 new cards, and 8 new relics.

Some of them are only available in the Android version, which you can download for free here:

Other major changes:
- You can now use Q, W, E keys for the hero's skills.
- Ulfasha’s Hex now makes the Cursed Frog attack a random monster. Mana cost from 5 to 7. Cooldown from 9 to 11.
- Grant’s Vigorous Dash mana cost from 3 to 2. Cooldown from 7 to 8.
- Elena’s Firestorm mana cost from 8 to 9. Cooldown from 13 to 14.
- Jin’s Deadly Shot bonus ATK from 2 to 3. Cooldown from 8 to 9.
- Lily’s Purification bonus value from 2 to 1. Holy Light cooldown from 8 to 9.
- Zovac’s Toxic Concoction cooldown from 5 to 6.  Detoxification cooldown from 9 to 10.
- Morning Star max level from 5 to 4. Bonus damage from 4 to 3.


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jeez, 100 days from now it'll be a year since this came out. I can't wait to see what you guys have planned next!